Monday, April 6, 2009

Steps for a Successful Mission Trip

1-First look at schedules and identify 2 or 3 dates when everyone would be able to participate. 2-Make a brief outline of activities for each day of the trip.For example, Monday-Drama Street Evangelism, Tuesday through Friday-Construction, and Saturday Fellowship at Jackie's House 3-We will then find out which dates fall within the SCORE schedule of available dates, and whether or not your outline of events can be accomodated as is or needs to be tweaked. They will organize everything including transportation in the DR, lodgings, food, materials, and translators/guides. 4-After a decision is reached, SCORE will deterimine a price per person which will cover and include all activities, food, transportation in and around Santo Domingo, materials, and lodgings. 5-Your group would then be able to raise funds or to personally pay for airfare and trip expenses. 6-If desired, your group may request short lessons in survival Spanish. 7-Secure proper passports 8-Receive vaccinations/shots(optional) 9-Participate in a mission training and cultural orientation before leaving 10-Go, and return safely 11-Participate in a debriefing and share your experiences via the Mission Blog ( 12-Encourage others to consider a short-term trip as well. Still have questions? No problem! Consultation We would be glad to advise you personally in more detail. You might even consider having us come to your group to field questions and explain the process in person.For more information, for help deciding contact us here or at or call Christ United Methodist Church at (843)236-6201

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